Podczas gdy Ty skupiasz się na szczęściu swojego dziecka,
ja koncentruję się na Tobie.


  1. Online consultations are possible only after accepting all the rules and regulations on the site.
  2. Below are described terms and regulations for www.polozna-majewska.pl, as well as any services I provide via email, phone, and any other
  3. This website, online services offered, and any electronically exchanged information are possible through the use of cookies. Any collection and storage of information are in accordance with a bill from 18th of July 2002.
  4. Every user obtains an individual account that allows access to the online services.
  5. In order to access online services, each user has to log in to the account first. Login and password are obtained through ways described below.
  6. An account can only be created if a User provides following information: first and last name, email address, telephone number, date of birth, and PESEL (if User has one)
  7. Password has to have at least eight characters, at least one number, at least one lower and one upper case letter. User has to keep login and password secure, and not share it with anyone else.
  8. An account will log the User out automatically after 20 minutes of inactivity.
  9. Website allows for the secure login only through the use of informational tools available on www.polozna-majewska.pl
  10. Online consultation and use of the portal
  11. Online User registration is free.
  12. Use of online consultation is only permitted for the registered User, who either acquired the one-time consultation, or has an active package of 30 online consultations. The meeting itself takes 20 minutes each.
  13. In the event of an online consultation, midwife gives advice to the log in User only.
  14. During an online consultation, midwife may: give a medical advice, send or present medical information.
  15. If during the online consultation midwife decides that the patient needs medical attention, she has the right to contact a hospital, other medical professional, or make a home visit.
  16. The online consultations lasts 20 minutes max, and midwife has a right to end the chat when the time is up.
  17. Using online services is equivalent with the User agreeing to terms and conditions, which also includes collection of medical information from the time of the consultations. Data is then being stored in the User’s medical file.
  18. Patient can use the portal to send images or files that are associated with the medical condition they want to discuss.
  19. During the online consultation, midwife is only able to assess images or files sent.
  20. Files and images sent during an online consultation are not stored in the User’s medical file.
  21. Patient is required to use appropriate language. Erotic, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate behavior and language will not be accepted. If such behavior takes place, midwife has the right to stop the consultation.
  22. If technical difficulties occur, and the consultation will abrupt as a result, patient should attempt to contact the doctor or midwife again.
  23. Portal is not responsible for the range of information provided by the User during the consultation.